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Tom Barczak

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Are you really ready for the unexpected?

Posted by Tom Barczak on Jul 19, 2016 4:06:46 PM

When you have a loss over your deductible, your insurance carrier will typically take over and provide you with expert incident management teams; consultants, and remediation and construction professionals. This gives you the power of their relationships/pricing models and very few of the headaches.

What happens if your losses are below your deductible or is one that you would prefer to fix outside of your insurance provider relationships? They happen more frequently and are typically more difficult to manage. They can drain you of time, money and resources.

There is an answer. Forensic Analytical Consulting Services Incident Response Management solution (FIRM), provides expertise, project management and cost savings that you would typically receive from your insurance carrier without the worry of increased premiums. The result: cost savings and productivity gains on all your incidents.

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